Corporate Solutions
Happy Families, High-Performing Employees
On-Site Early Learning Center
A significant portion of Americans faces difficulty in finding affordable and high-quality child care. Addressing this challenge for working parents will elevate your brand and give you an advantage in attracting and retaining top talents. Your brand will be seen as a caring and attractive organization that promotes Female Leadership and tackle gender inequalities. Not only is this good for your employees and your reputation, but it also significantly improves their performance.
Because of challenging access to childcare... *
42% of parents have reduced hours at work;
26% have changed jobs;
26% have left the workforce entirely;
and about the same are currently considering these strategies.
Our team works with you to design the best-customized solution to meet your needs and embodies your culture.
*Source: First Five Years Fund
We offer a whole range of services so that you can focus on what you do best.
Our service package includes:
- Development planning and management: We provide consultancy on various topics to help you personalize your project and design your center.
- After-school program for children and teenagers with an extensive catalogue of activities.